Cambridge Medical Experts

With Cambridge Medical Experts on your case,
you have the voice of authority.

(617) 768-7103 ~

Expert Witness Service


Your success is our business, and we are passionate about it.

  • The impressive credentials and reputation of our Medical Experts will unquestionably strengthen and add value to your case.
  • We hand select a mature, distinguished professor at an Ivy league institution who has an active clinical practice chosen for the specific needs of your case.
  • Our personalized case by case approach insures that you have the very best, nationally recognized medical expert. Learn how we are different from referral services.
  • Let us take on the time consuming details, freeing you to focus on other things.
  • Our experienced staff is here to facilitate communication throughout the process.
  • We will meet your deadlines. We know things come up and change.

“I love this expert. Brilliant. Aside from clinical issues ,he has a human side to him in terms of understanding what the family is going through. Rare find!! Excellent find!! Thanks so much. Parents will be thrilled to know we have such a solid team shaping up.” —Alex F. Esq., LLP.   New York

For a free consultation with a medical expert chosen for the specific needs of your case call us at 617-768-7103 or email

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