Crohn’s Disease Expert Witness

Get a Crohn’s Disease Expert Witness for Your Case

Crohn’s disease is a chronic gastrointestinal (GI) tract inflammatory bowel disease.  The illness can start gradually, quickly become severe, and can be both painful and debilitating. It may go into remission with proper treatment, and symptoms can subside. If left untreated, serious complications can occur.

When a doctor misses a Crohn’s disease diagnosis, the patient is left dealing with painful symptoms much longer than they should. In other cases, Crohn’s disease may be entirely misdiagnosed as a different condition. In these situations, the patient may undergo expensive and unnecessary treatment that may worsen the patient’s original condition.

Other physicians may care for patients with Crohn’s disease, including

Colon & Rectal Surgeons: specialize in surgically correcting colon and rectal issues that arise with Crohn’s disease

Gastroenterologists: specialize in the health of the digestive system

General surgeons: specialize in surgically correcting internal issues concerning Crohn’s disease

Hepatologists: treat the liver disease that may occur with Crohn’s disease

Internal medicine physicians: manage treatments and medications that do not include surgery

Our board-certified specialists are well acquainted with cases involving neglect and malpractice concerning Crohn’s disease. Our expert witnesses can determine if a claim has merit to save valuable time before proceeding.

Issues may include

  • Misdiagnosis of complications
  • Mistreating complications
  • Abscesses: painful pockets of infection in the intestines
  • Anal fissures: small tears in the anus that may cause bleeding
  • Colon cancer: chronic inflammation can increase the risk of colon cancer
  • Fistulas: the abnormal passage between organs
  • Gallstones: bile that hardens in the gallbladder
  • Inflammation: systemic inflammation throughout the body
  • Intestinal obstruction: blocking the food or stool from moving in the GI system
  • Kidney stones: common complication due to malabsorption of nutrients
  • Malnutrition: malabsorption of essential vitamins and nutrients
  • Ulcers: open sores along the intestinal tract

Cambridge Medical Experts on Your Case, Gives You the Voice of Authority

We only work with expert providers who are actively practicing and are well-versed in the details surrounding your case.

Our Ivy League experts are adept at breaking down medical jargon into terminology that is easy to understand. Cambridge Medical Experts provide the necessary information to present the most accurate information by providing the following:

  • Authoritative written reports revealing the strengths and weaknesses of the case
  • Experienced deposition and courtroom testimony
  • Expert opinions and insights

Every case is unique, and we offer timely analysis catered to your specifications and requirements. Before adding their expertise to your legal team, you can consult a medical expert at no cost. Call us for a complete and comprehensive analysis of your case.

For a free consultation with a top-notch expert, call or email Cambridge Medical Experts.

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Cambridge Medical Experts

The impressive credentials and reputation of our Medical Experts will unquestionably strengthen and add to your case.

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